Integrated Curriculum - Everything is Connected
a #sunchat conversation this morning
I am so honored to have been asked to guest-moderate!
What content areas are most easily integrated?
With CCSS there has been a shift to reading/writing in the content areas:
Has this been occurring more intentionally in your schools?
What curriculum areas, teams or departments are doing it best?
Do elementary teachers have block schedules?
How does this impact your work to integrate curriculum?
Are there content areas that should not be integrated?
What about balance of direct skill instruction and thematic teaching?
Does teaching with an integrated curriculum lead to efficiency or confusion?
Does integrating curriculum lead us on “bird walks” away from our intended goals?
How to organize and plan? Does your grade level, department, district, curriculum map all content areas?
How does teaching integrated curriculum support student choice, project and problem based learning, service learning?
Does integrating content lead to professional teams working together better, more efficiently?